Clubs and Activities
Any school clubs that we are running term by term for both children and parents can be found listed below
All after school clubs run from 3.15- 4.15pm unless stated otherwise.
If you wish to apply for a club you must get the application form to the school office as quickly as possible as places are snapped up fast!
If your child is successful in getting a place at an after school club they will bring home a letter to tell you.... do not just assume they have a place because they applied and they want to go.....due to restricted space on our school site, spaces are always limited.
If you are interested in running a club after school for our children please contact the office and Miss Strachan will call you back to discuss your idea.
Clubs running in the academic year 2024-25
Term 1
- Breakfast club will run each day in the school dining hall from 7.30 - 8.45am. There is a cost of £2.50 per child per day for this club
- Each Tuesday morning in the church hall the Little Saints pre nursery group will gather
- Tuesday afternoons in the church hall there is warm and fed club for those who want to save on heating at home and wish for a natter over a free bowl of soup.
- On alternate Wednesdays at 9.30am in the Magpie community cafe, the PTA will meet for their parental wellbeing group whilst running a free uniform swap shop. First drink is always free!
- Monday after school-
- Tuesday after school-KS2 table tennis club
- Wednesday after school -KS2 sports club
- Thursday after school -KS1 sports club
- Friday after school - Kingsquad Church Club
Term 2
- Breakfast club will run each day in the school dining hall from 7.30 - 8.45am. There is a cost of £2.50 per child per day for this club
- Each Tuesday morning in the church hall the Little Saints pre nursery group will gather
- Tuesday afternoons in the church hall there is warm and fed club for those who want to save on heating at home and wish for a natter over a free bowl of soup.
- On alternate Wednesdays at 9.30am in the Magpie community cafe, the PTA will meet for their parental wellbeing group whilst running a free uniform swap shop. First drink is always free!
- Monday after school- Y6 Booster club 1
- Tuesday after school-KS2 table tennis club KS2 Choir Club KS2 Y6 Booster club 2
- Wednesday before school - Y6 Booster club 3
- Wednesday after school -KS2 sports club
- Thursday after school -KS1 sports club KS2 computer club
- Friday after school - Kingsquad Church Club Y6 Booster club 4
Term 3
- Breakfast club will run each day in the school dining hall from 7.30 - 8.45am. There is a cost of £2.50 per child per day for this club
- Each Tuesday morning in the church hall the Little Saints pre nursery group will gather
- Tuesday afternoons in the church hall there is warm and fed club for those who want to save on heating at home and wish for a natter over a free bowl of soup.
- On alternate Wednesdays at 9.30am in the Magpie community cafe, the PTA will meet for their parental wellbeing group whilst running a free uniform swap shop. First drink is always free!
- Monday after school- Y6 Booster club 1 KS1 Phonics club Y4 Times Tables Rock Stars club
- Tuesday after school-KS2 table tennis club KS2 Y6 Booster club 2
- Wednesday before school - Y6 Booster club 3
- Wednesday after school -KS2 sports club
- Thursday lunchtime - Y4 Times Tables Rocks Stars club
- Thursday after school -KS1 sports club UKS2 Dance club
- Friday after school - Kingsquad Church Club Y6 Booster club 4