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All Saints

C of E Primary School

Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.









St Anne

Welcome to St Anne Class!


Our All Saints family shall ARISE and shine for the light of The Lord is upon us...


We are a class of Year 3 pupils in the Lower Key Stage 2 part of the school.

Our teacher is: Miss Williams





Teacher Email


Please email me with any further questions about St. Anne.

I'd be glad to help you!



Our Curriculum

Last year, we adopted a curriculum published by Cornerstones.

English and all foundation subjects: History, Geography, Art, DT and Music are taught through our termly theme.

Cornerstones will provide our children with a good level of challenge, giving them plenty of opportunities to solve problems, apply themselves creatively, and express their knowledge and understanding across the full range of National Curriculum subjects.


Year 3 will experience 3 Imaginative Learning Projects throughout the year.

Each individual project is split into sections, which see children progress through four stages of learning: Engage, Develop, Innovate, and Express. 

We are confident that our curriculum will instill a bright and engaging curiosity and love of learning in our children. It will help them maintain their well-being and provide opportunities for each of them to achieve their full potential. 

Our Term 1 and 2 topic...

Tribal tales.


Over the year, the children will learn many things through our projects. Our topic for terms 1 and 2 is based around Tribal tales.

This term, the children in St. Anne will be learning about important and breath-taking moments in time. from time during Pre-History, The Stone Age, The Bronze Age, and then end the topic with The Iron Age.

So, take a moment to step outside and stand quietly and still.

Turn off all your technology and try to forget the modern world.

Imagine this place 5000 years ago.

What would you have seen?

Head back to prehistoric times to gather berries and hunt down dinner.

Unearth ancient objects and visit astonishing mystical monuments that reveal the secrets of an ancient time.

Learn how the people of Britain developed over thousands of years, from the Stone Age to the Roman invasion.

Work as a tribe to build a seasonal monument to celebrate the coming of spring.

Then sit quietly and reflect, waiting for the sunrise.

What tribal tales will you have to tell?

In Literacy and History during terms 1 and 2, St Anne will be creating exciting fact files after learning different methods of researching, writing and editing letters in response to an incredible archaeological find, creating memorable poems, and so much more.

In Maths during terms 1 and 2, we will be creating problems and solving them through place value, making larger addition and subtraction sums, using different methods to learn the value of money, and deep-diving into fractions.


In Science during terms 1 and 2, we will be looking at the way iron changes over time, its uses and what differences it has made through the years. We will be growing and harvesting our own crops along with keeping track of the progress made, what the crops could be used for and produce we can find our own crops in.


We will be looking at exciting hands-on and practical activities to further our learning for Art, D&T and Geography. These activities may need items of recycling/junk from home- I will send letters home in advance.





P.E days are on Mondays and Friday

Monday: Indoor

Friday: Outdoor

Please ensure your child brings their PE kit to change into on these days. 

Children may need jogging bottoms or leggings if we are outside as the weather changes.

Children should not be wearing earrings to school on PE days, as this is a health and safety issue.

If they forget to take them out before school, children must be able to take out their earrings before the lesson and are responsible for looking after them.

If your child is unable to remove their earrings, they must come to school with tape on their ears or you can show your child how to apply the tape themselves before the lesson.



Homework will be sent home each Friday.

 There will be a maths, literacy, spelling and reading task for the children to complete. Homework should be returned to school by the following Thursday.

In addition to this, children will have a weekly spelling test every Friday based on the spellings sent home the previous week.

Children should practice their weekly spellings for 5 minutes every night.

Below are the common exception words that year 3 children should be able to spell by the end of Year 3.

Furthermore, children are expected to read their book, sent home from school, and to practice their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables for 5 minutes every night.

Children can practice the recall of their times tables on Times Table Rock Stars whereby homework will be set each week. To access TTRS, children only need to input their Accelerated Reader logins


Knowledge Organisers

Please remember to look at your Knowledge Organisers each night at home and quiz your child on the different interesting facts on both sides! 

The information on these sheets should be easily recalled by the children once the topic is completed. 

Children may also wish to extend their learning beyond the knowledge organiser if they have a specific interest in the topic. Please use the knowledge organiser as a starting point for any extra study.

The knowledge organiser for our current topic, 'Tribal Tales', will be sent home with your children during the first week.




Behaviour Expectations

St. Anne class are expected to follow the school’s Golden Rules at all times and are encouraged and rewarded for being ‘Green to go’.

Our weekly 'Green to go' star gets to take home our class mascot 'Waddles the Chicken' for the weekend and write exciting diary entries into Waddles' diary. 


The Golden Rules are:

  • We respect and follow our school values.
  • We work hard to achieve and shine brightly.
  • We listen carefully and follow instructions.
  • We are kind, gentle, inclusive and supportive.
  • We look after property.
  • We are safe and honest so everyone can enjoy school.




If, after a reminder, a child continues to break a rule, their name will be moved on our class traffic lights. Each colour (yellow, orange and red) has a number of possible consequences, such as loss of play time. If a child has to move their name, they given the opportunity to earn their way back to green by sticking to the golden rules and showing “green to go” behaviour.


Rewards and Prizes


Individuals are rewarded for positive behaviour and effort in class by winning House points. Each child has an house and there are collective house winners at the end of each term.

Children also receive prizes in class for amazing work, achieving their best in their learning, such as:

10/10 spelling score

25/25  three times in Timestables Rockstars practice

Stars of the Week

Hitting their Accelerated Reader Targets.


Individual children are selected for our Whole School Praise Book and their names are read out on Fridays in assembly. 


This includes the ‘Green to Go’ award for the child in class who has shown increased effort, drive, determination or resilience. We also have a Maths star and a Literacy star each week.


Apply yourself in learning, follow the golden rules, have a great week and it’s sure to be you!


Our whole class rewards are negotiated with the class teacher at the start of term. We all put forward ideas of what we would like our reward to be then we vote for the most popular prize and work together as a class team to add points to our class chart. We all have different ones – ask your children about theirs.


We understand that every child is unique and so, we adapt our learning to suit all needs. Similarly, if your child is registered with the school as having specific special learning needs, please look at the home learning links to meet their requirements attached to this link.

Thank you.

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Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.

