St Mary
Term 5
This term our topic has been 'Movers and Shakers'. We have learnt about the five statements from Dawson's model and used them to identify people who are historically significant. We have studied Thomas Waghorn a local historical person and took a walk to visit his statue. We have looked at the life of Mary Anning and read the text 'Stone Girl, Bone Girl' and written an biography of her life. We are beginning to research the life of Neil Armstrong and have watched videos of the moon landing. During Literacy we have read the text 'Man on the Moon' and written character descriptions of Bob and created our own alien characters. So far this term we have looked briefly at the following historical people, Emmeline Pankhurst, Rosa Parks, Vincent van Gogh, Christopher Columbus, Henry Vlll and Joseph Lister and have thought carefully about the impact of their actions.