St Christopher
This term we have learnt about English and British monarchs from AD 871 to the present day and considered how the power of the monarchy has changed over time. We have studied six significant sovereigns; Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II.
We have written Kenning poems, and read the text Queen Victoria's bathing machine.
In science we have learnt about animal survival. We have found out about growth in animals by exploring the life cycles of some familiar animals. We have identified the basic needs of animals for survival, including food, water, air and shelter.
In Design and Technology we have learnt about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. We have learnt about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before designing our own bag tag.
In Art we have analysed the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compared Tudor portraits and selfies today.