Music policy
Music progression KS1 and KS2
Our Music Curriculum
Our Music Manager is Miss Williams
Our School Vision
'Our All Saints Family Shall Arise and Shine for the Light of the Lord is Upon Us.'
“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.”
Isaiah 60:1
The school vision underpins all decision making and school improvement planning and is designed to develop
aspirations and resilience so that everybody can ARISE.
Welcome to the Music page!
Music is an intrinsic part of our curriculum at All Saints C of E Primary School, we strive to create a culture that is inclusive and engages all pupils. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enable all children to achieve their personal best. We provide an ambitious, progressively sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the contextual needs of the school in a safe and supportive environment for all children to flourish in a range of different musical activities throughout their time at School where they do not fear making mistakes or getting things wrong. Our Charanga curriculum engages pupils, supporting a love of learning and a thirst for musical knowledge. Children are supported to achieve and encouraged to show their musical talents throughout the curriculum, from writing their own lyrics to songs to performing Christmas Carols. Charanga runs parallel to our Cornerstones Curriculum, which encourages Music through a range of key themes and topics. Children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a wide variety of musical tasks. Children have the opportunity to participate in a range of curricular and extra-curricular activities. These include Piano lessons, Rocksteady Assemblies and Choir Club. We wish to inspire a generation who love Music, not only for their musical enjoyment but understand the benefits of Music with regards to well-being. We aim to prepare children for their continued education and life in the 21st Century.
At All Saints C of E Primary, we provide challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of musical activities which includes listening and responding to music from a range of themes and genres, playing musical instruments, singing in unison, in small groups, and as a solo and composing music using instruments to play various notes. This curriculum is adaptive and designed to meet the needs of all children in our school.
Music is taught through a scheme called Charanga, taught over two full days each term. Each lesson follows a set structure that allows time for listening, responding, and creating. Additional to this, topics in cornerstones allow for children to link their musical knowledge to their current topic. An example of this could be replicating the sound of a volcano erupting as part of the ‘Tremor’ topic in Year 3.
Assessment forms part of the planning, teaching and learning process and takes place throughout the year using the rigorous assessment tools on Charanga alongside a bespoke assessment grid which links to the National Curriculum Objectives.
• The long-term plan for Music sets out the Musical progression through from FS to KS2, allowing for children to build on their musical skills year on year and demonstrate they are able to meet the National Curriculum objectives.
• All teachers have access to support and guidance on ways to deliver the scheme from FS to KS2 and can attend additional training opportunities if required.
• Children have the opportunity to attend Music Club throughout the year from FS to KS2.
• We provide children with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities through after school clubs and tuition, these are inclusive, enjoyable and increase children’s knowledge and understanding in Music.
• We also offer the opportunity to participate in Rocksteady lessons. These are paid for by parents and are offered during the school day on Monday mornings. In these lessons, children can learn to play drums, guitar, keyboard or sing as a vocalist in a band with the support from our Band Leader, Jamie.
• We invite parents to Musical events, alongside other members of our community to help broaden our children’s experiences with Music from different cultural backgrounds.
• Children are encouraged to share their Musical talents with their class and any outside competitions in which they may participate.
• We aim to provide opportunities for children to attend Musical Competitions outside of school and as a school share in their successes.
At All Saints C of E Primary School, we ensure that our Charanga Music curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of situations and tasks across the Curriculum as they move from FS to Year 6. This allows children to progress in line or above with their peers Nationally. Music has a significant impact in the classroom, from the calming music played at the start of the day or after lunch, to well-being tasks completed whilst listening to music. Music enables children to consider their thoughts and feelings and manage them effectively. Music provides a positive impact on the learning taking place in the classroom and in the wider community. Children who represent the school at local events and competitions, feel a strong sense of community and achievement. Achievements both in and out of school are shared in Celebration Assembly to encourage other children into Musical Arts. This has been particularly noticed in the number of children wanting to take part in Rocksteady, having seen and heard the bands in action during their termly concerts. All pupils at All Saint’s Primary School understand the role that Music has to play in their daily lives and how a song can alter how they feel at any given moment. We aim for all Year 6 pupils to leave school having achieved the skills and Musical knowledge to equip them for life beyond Primary School and into the 21st Century world in which they live.
At Home:
If your child takes part in any musical activities outside of school, please do let their class teacher know so we can celebrate their achievements.
Take a look at this list of websites and games:
Rocksteady Lessons
We are pleased to be able to offer our pupils Rocksteady lessons. Parents can sign up their child to these paid sessions via an online portal. Further information on this can be received from Mrs Lloyd in St David's Class. Children who attend rocksteady have the opportunity to learn how to play Guitar, Drums, Keyboard or provide vocals for the band.
Rocksteady lessons happen on Monday mornings after whole school celebration assembly.
Here is some feedback from children who took part in lessons last year.
"Working together we have fun, it's a good experience" Year 4 child
"Jack is a great teacher, he welcomes you in" Year 3 Child
"We are learning different notes like E and A" Year 4 Child
"I like to play music" Year 4 Child
"We get to play different songs" Year 4 Child
"I want to be a popstar, so this is practice" Year 4 Child
Music Club
Music Club runs for 2 terms throughout the year for both children and parents
Children will have the opportunity to play both tuned and unturned music instruments, practice body percussion, sing as part of a choir alongside a range of other activities.
Spaces for this club are limited and will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.
If you have any questions regarding Music Club, please speak to Miss Williams.
Productions and performing in front of others
In term 2 our infants perform on stage to parents. In term 4 it is the turn of LKS2 and in term 6 UKS2 perform. The children very much enjoy putting on their performances and parents enjoy the shows too. Here is what the children have to say:
'I love doing shows, I don't want to stop doing it' - Year 2 Child
'I am so excited about performing on stage!" - Year 4 Child
'I am normally a shy person but getting on the stage in front of hundreds of others has changed me it has given me the confidence to believe in myself' Year 6 Child
As well as performing on the stage at school, the children perform to parents in the church 4 times throughout the school year.
Rocksteady Video Concerts
Year 3 4.wmv
Year 5 6.wmv
Cultural Carnival Day
We hold cultural carnival day towards the end of each school year. During this day all children come into school wearing clothing from their own heritage countries and we learn from each other. Last carnival day all the children in our School were lucky enough to learn Bhangra dancing. The music was played on a traditional Bhangra drum The children thoroughly enjoyed the dancing and at the end of the day, they performed the Bhangra dance to their parents in the playground.