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All Saints

C of E Primary School

Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.










Our All Saints family shall ARISE and shine for the light of The Lord is upon us. 


School PSHE manager - Miss Brown


At all Saints Primary School, PSHE is interwoven into everyday life, as it enables our children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes, they need to manage both now and in the future. 



At All Saints C of E Primary School PSHE forms part of our foundation subjects. We provide an ambitious, progressively sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum that meets the contextual needs of the school. This follows our school values: We achieve, respect, include, support and enjoy.  We deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities, and experiences that enables all children to engage in PSHE. PSHE supports the development of the skills, attitudes, values, and patterns of behaviour, which will enable pupils to:

  • Have a sense of purpose
  • Value self and others
  • Form relationships
  • Communicate effectively
  • Work with others
  • Respond to challenge
  • Make and act out on informed decisions
  • Be active citizens within the local community
  • Safeguard themselves and others from danger




Every term we have a designated day for PSHE, which is taught across the whole school. These days are called values Day. Each term has a different theme that the children explore these are: Being me in my world, celebrating differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and changing me. These themes teach children to achieve, show respect, include and support their peers. These days give children the skills of interacting well with others and are designed and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils and school.

  • Daily, 'Brain Breathing' exercises to support mindfulness and resilience in our children and adults. Brain Breathing supports children in their personal development and practicing the skills of mental well-being.
  • Social skills groups to support children.
  • Every class having access to a Worry Box, giving children the opportunity to speak to adults in their class or safeguarding Leads in school, regarding any worries they have.
  • Emphasising healthy living, encouraging children to bring a healthy snack to school.
  • Taking part in national fundraising initiatives, such as Red Nose Day and Children in Need.
  • A rigorous assessment programme is in place to monitor and track children’s progress in all areas of the curriculum, allowing timely intervention to take place and enable children to ‘catch up’ and be ‘challenged’.




As a result of PSHE teaching at All Saints CofE Primary School you will see:

  • Children who enjoy learning and feel safe at school.
  • Children who progress well and attain in line with or above other children nationally.
  • Happy, caring and confident children who can maintain their mental well-being, and are confident to talk about their learning of PSHE.
  • Children who are resilient and respond well to challenges  
  • Children who are respectful of diversity, are supportive and inclusive and interact with others very well.
  • Children who contribute positively to their local community through fund raising events.
  • Children who leave us with the knowledge and skills needed in PSHE to succeed in 21st century Britain.



Because PSHE is a 'golden thread' throughout all aspects of our children's lives, at All Saints we deliver termly Values Days and other discrete lessons through the Cornerstones Curriculum. The National Curriculum documents below contain details about what children in each year group must be taught in these areas.  The school policy documents contains further details of how our school teaches them.





How Challenge is provided within PSHE learning.


Some individual pupils are identified by teachers as needing personal, social, health or emotional support because they have specific needs that act as barriers to their learning. These pupils are then targeted to take part in personal challenge tasks/clubs that encourage pupils to face up to their challenges, say ‘Bring it on!’ and overcome them . We run challenge clubs that include: social skills, play therapy, social stories and support with anger issues.


How parents can help with their child’s PSHE learning at home.


  • Make children aware of current social issues within the local community and further afield
  • Teach children how to be tolerant of other religions, faiths, views and opinions
  • Encourage children to talk about their problems/ challenges and encourage them to find ways of overcoming them
  • Teach children that individuals can disagree but disagreement needs to be done with respect
  • Teach children how to show good manners and respect for others in their everyday lives
  • Encourage children to abide by the law of the land and the rules/ laws of the local community home and school
  • Teach children how to live a healthy lifestyle
  • Teach children how to respect themselves
  • Look at the BBC Bitesize link for other ideas

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Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.

