The themes we have been learning about this term are: Dangerous Dinosaurs and Rainbows and Puddles.
Dangerous Dinosaurs
The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about dinosaurs. We had a T-Rex visit the nursery when nursery was closed. The children enjoyed watching him walking on the carpet form the video. We had a dinosaur egg, the children watched everyday for the egg to crack. They were very excited when the egg cracked, and they could see the baby dinosaur. We have learnt the names and features of many different dinosaurs. We went on a dinosaur hunt and looked for dinosaur bones. We explored volcanoes, and carried out a volcano experiment.
Puddles and Rainbows
We have been learning about when rainbows appear, the different colours in a rainbow. We have collected rain water and checked on them everyday. We have had lots of fun jumping in puddles and learning about rain.
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp.mp4

t-rex vided.MP4