St Andrew
In St Andrew, for Design and Technology, we have looked at the different types of packaging. We tested some different materials and how they kept our food fresh and safe. We designed and created our own packaging, including all of the details that you would find. This included if the material was recyclable, the contents had any allergy advice and what the contents were.
We created our own fruit kebabs, exploring different fruits and how to keep them fresh with our packaging.
We then designed and created our own wefts with yarn and explored the different types of yarn, including how yarn is made, what materials can be used, why we use those materials to create yarn and what can be made from the simple materials.
In maths, we have been exploring fractions and different ways that we can use manipulatives to solve equations. We enjoyed solving problems using different methods to solve improper and mixed fractions.
In literacy, we have been researching, planning and writing our very own non-chronological reports about the Viking times. We looked at the different sub-headings we could use and how we could create an interesting and explorative piece of writing. We found out some really interesting facts and used them to expand and up-level our work.
For values day, we created a scene using role-play. We acted out a scene where a child was being left out of an event and reacted to how we would feel if we were placed in that position. We discussed emotions and how we could cope with each emotion. We also discussed who we could talk to and where we could go to find somebody to speak with.