This term the children have been exploring the themes of ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Winter Wonderland’.
For ‘Starry Night’, the children learnt about animals that are nocturnal and made bats in bat caves. They then discovered that some people work at night, like bus drivers and doctors and nurses.
We read the story of the ‘Owl Babies’ and then used puppets to retell the story. The children made some owl pictures and we learnt some songs about owls.
Our attention then turned to space as we watched a space rocket launch. the children made space rockets and danced to music about the planets in our solar system.
Back on Earth, the children explored a winter theme for the last two weeks of term. They made robins and snowflake art, and learnt the song ‘Rockin’ Robin’. They have explored ice cubes and how they melt, discovered animals from the artic and made penguin pictures.
Finally, we have celebrated the Lunar New Year with tasting rice and prawn crackers, as well as decorating the Nursery with dragons and making snakes. The children also marked Number Day, with number games, activities and songs. They also decorated numbers.
It has been a busy and creative term!