The themes we have been learning about this term are Sunshine and Sunflowers and Shadows and Reflections.
Sunshine and Sunflowers
The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning and exploring life cycles of butterflies and frogs. We have been very fortunate and had some caterpillars arrive at nursery. The children have been fascinated watching them grow and change. We were very fortunate to record the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis. We have released the butterflies in the nursery garden. The children said goodbye to them and watched them fly away. We planted beans, sunflowers and made cress heads. We know that plants need light and water to grow. We watched the roots grow first in the soil, before it sprouts above the soil. We have enjoyed watching our plants grow. We have learnt about sun safety. The children know that they need to wear sun hat and sun cream, when it is sunny. We painted paper with sun cream left it out in the sun. When we looked at it, the children could see the paper was damaged, where there was not any sun cream.
Shadows and reflections
The children have explored echoes, shadows and reflections. We read the story of the highway rat, and explored talking in to tubes to make an echo. We learnt some animals send out echoes, to find out what is nearby. We have drawn around our friend’s shadow in the garden and know we need the sun out, to be able to see our shadow. We made shadow puppets using torches in the dark. The children explored reflections, with the reflection tray. It had objects that were shiny and dull. They looked to see which objects, they could see their reflection in.