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School Logo

All Saints

C of E Primary School

Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.










Our attendance officer is Mrs Gething.

Her email address is

poster showing whether to keep your child off school or not

Children who miss out on their learning miss out on future life chances.


The school is committed to ensuring a high rate of attendance for all. We want all of our children to have a 97% attendance rate over each school year.


We ask all parents to inform the school before 9.30am on the first day of absence and to send a letter to the class teacher on the day their child returns from absence.


The school will phone/contact parents on the first day of absence if the parent has not contacted the school. If contact cannot be made with the parent then the child's absence will be marked as unauthorised. Ten sessions ( 5 days ) of unauthorised absences can lead to the local authority issuing fines. The fine will be £120 per parent per child, but if paid before 21 days, it is reduced to £60 per child, per parent. This money goes to Medway council not the school.


Repeated or unexplained absences will be followed up with more phone calls, letters home, requests for medical certificates and a home visit from the School Family Support Worker - so it is important to keep the school informed.


All contact with families regarding pupil absence is logged systematically to show the lengths the school are going to, to get the children into school.


Children are asked to be punctual.  The registers will be taken at 8.45am for infants and 8.55am for juniors. Lateness and absence will be noted on the child’s Annual School Report.


100% attendance is rewarded regularly at the end of every term and year.


All Saints staff are committed to children’s learning and wellbeing.  The school’s attendance figures are consistently higher than Medway’s and National throughout every school year.


Our school attendance figures are regularly higher than Medway's and National's - our children want to come to school.

Get a reward for good or significantly improved attendance

We are delighted to have received a donation of scooter accessories , including scooter helmets, from Micro Scooters. They are renowned for their iconic 3 wheel scooters, Micro are self-confessed school-run revolutionaries and are on a mission to encourage parents and children to scoot to school - a greener, healthier and let’s face it, more fun way to start the day!


If you would like scooter accessories for free  - you need to be in our 100% club

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Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.

