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All Saints

C of E Primary School

Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.









The All Saints Mentors

Miss Strachan is the school mentor leader 

We Have Children Who Care


We have children in our upper school who apply to become 'school carers'. They write a letter to Miss Strachan our school council and mentor leader persuading her to let them have the job of looking after and helping to teach the infant children whilst they are learning in class in the afternoons. If they are selected as a potential candidate for carer/mentor, the children attend an interview and have to sign a contract of employment.


The older children are giving up their daily lunch time play to do this so it is a big decision for them to make.


Carers help children in class by listening to them read, doing admin jobs for the teacher, helping to tidy up or by supporting children at their tables as they work.


They listen to the children if they are sad or upset and mentor them to sort out any worries they may have by speaking to the staff for/with them.


Being an Upper school carer is a very responsible job and those doing it need to take it seriously. 


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Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.

