Meet the Staff
Come and meet the staff at our school.
Who we are and what we do!
Senior Leadership Team
Miss Strachan - Executive Headteacher at All Saints and St Johns schools, CPD manager, Well-being champion, Attendance Champion, Website lead, Challenge Manager and School Council Leader
Mrs Forghani-Ashrafi - Head of School at both All Saints and St Johns, Inclusions manager
Mrs Milton - Head of School at both All Saints and St Johns, Curriculum manager and Health and Safety Lead
Nursery Team
Miss Dray - Early Years Leader, RE Manager
Ms Hartley - Nursery teacher, Culture Vulture Ambassador and P4C Champion
Miss Balice - TA
Miss James - TA
Miss McGowan - nursery SENCO
Foundation Stage Team
Miss Dray - Early Years Leader, FS Teacher, RE Manager
Miss Kaye - FS teacher
Mrs Smith - TA
Mrs Turcanu - TA
Key Stage 1 Team
Miss Daly - KS1 Leader, Y1/2 teacher, Literacy manager
Ms Kotamo - Y1 teacher, Science Manager
Mr Bailey - Y2 teacher, French Manager
Mrs Cooley - TA
Mrs Toms - TA
Mrs Younis - TA
Miss Scarrott - TA Intern
Miss Whiteman - TA intern
Miss Nicholson - TA intern
Lower Key Stage 2 Team
Ms O'Reilly - LKS2 Leader, Y4 teacher, Humanities Manager
Miss Williams - Y3 teacher, Music Manager
Mrs French - Y3/4 teacher
Ms Mercer - TA
Mrs Watling - HLTA
Miss Butters -TA
Upper Key Stage 2 Team
Mrs Brackenbury - UKS2 Leader, Y6 teacher, Maths Manager
Miss Burgess - Y5/6 teacher, Computing Manager
Ms Fairey- Y5 teacher
Mrs Ingram - TA
Mrs Neil - TA
Mrs Kemsley - academic tutor
The Hive Team
Miss White - TA
Mrs Erameh - TA
Cross Phase Staff
Mr McGurk - PE Coach
Mrs Bell - Pupil Family Support Worker
Mrs Gething - safeguarding and attendance admin officer
Miss Gardner - Office Manager
Mrs Hedinburgh - Admin Assistant
Breakfast Club Team
Mrs Tippett - Manager
Mrs Gething - Assistant
Mrs Stiles - Assistant
Lunch Team
Mrs Cubitt
Mrs Drew
Miss Read
Mr Rudd
Mrs Rudd
Miss Wood
Mrs Sall
Premises Team
Mr Hamouda - Caretaker
Mrs Stiles - cleaner
Mrs Percival - cleaner
Mrs Nemeth - cleaner
Staff on maternity leave
Miss Keating - KS1 teacher
We have a list of staff business interests available on request. There are currently no conflicts of interest.