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All Saints

C of E Primary School

Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.









Meet the Staff

Come and meet the staff at our school.


Who we are and what we do!


Senior Leadership Team

Miss Strachan - Executive Headteacher at All Saints and St Johns schools, CPD manager, Well-being champion, Attendance Champion, Website lead, Challenge Manager and School Council Leader

Mrs Forghani-Ashrafi - Head of School at both All Saints and St Johns, Inclusions manager

Mrs Milton - Head of School at both All Saints and St Johns, Curriculum manager and Health and Safety Lead


Nursery Team

Miss Dray - Early Years Leader,  RE Manager

Ms Hartley - Nursery teacher, Culture Vulture Ambassador and P4C Champion

Miss Balice - TA

Miss James - TA

Miss McGowan - nursery SENCO


Foundation Stage Team

Miss Dray - Early Years Leader, FS Teacher, RE Manager

Miss Kaye - FS teacher

Mrs Smith - TA

Mrs Turcanu - TA


Key Stage 1 Team

Miss Daly - KS1 Leader, Y1/2 teacher, Literacy manager

Ms Kotamo - Y1 teacher, Science Manager

Mr Bailey - Y2 teacher, French Manager

Mrs Cooley - TA

Mrs Toms - TA

Mrs Younis - TA

Miss Scarrott - TA Intern

Miss Whiteman - TA intern

Miss Nicholson - TA intern


Lower Key Stage 2 Team

Ms O'Reilly - LKS2 Leader, Y4 teacher, Humanities Manager

Miss Williams - Y3 teacher, Music Manager

Mrs French - Y3/4 teacher

Ms Mercer - TA 

Mrs Watling - HLTA

Miss Butters -TA 


Upper Key Stage 2 Team

Mrs Brackenbury -  UKS2 Leader, Y6 teacher, Maths Manager

Miss Burgess - Y5/6 teacher, Computing Manager

Ms Fairey- Y5 teacher

Mrs Ingram - TA

Mrs Neil - TA

Mrs Kemsley - academic tutor



The Hive Team

Miss White - TA

Mrs Erameh - TA


Cross Phase Staff

Mr McGurk - PE Coach

Mrs Bell - Pupil Family Support Worker

Mrs Gething - safeguarding and attendance admin officer

Miss Gardner - Office Manager

Mrs Hedinburgh - Admin Assistant


Breakfast Club Team

Mrs Tippett - Manager

Mrs Gething - Assistant

Mrs Stiles - Assistant


Lunch Team

Mrs Cubitt

Mrs Drew

Miss Read

Mr Rudd

Mrs Rudd

Miss Wood

Mrs Sall


Premises Team

Mr Hamouda - Caretaker

Mrs Stiles - cleaner

Mrs Percival - cleaner

Mrs Nemeth - cleaner


Staff on maternity leave

Miss Keating - KS1 teacher


We have a list of staff business interests available on request. There are currently no conflicts of interest.

Social Media

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Our All Saints family shall arise and

shine for the light of The Lord is upon us.

